2018 AGM minutes


Patron: Maj Gen Brian Howard AO,MC,ESM (Ret’d)

MINUTES OF THE AGM ON 21st June 2018
for the PIB NGIB HQ PIR Association
held at Caboolture-Morayfield RSL, Caboolture Qld


: President Don Graham opened the AGM/GM at 12.10pm and Welcomed all present.
One Minute’s Silence was held in honour of our fallen Servicemen.


D. Graham, K. Horton, I. Ogston, G. Ivey, G. Screen, G. Farr, K. Smith, F. Cordingley, L Quinlivan, T. Edwinsmith


D. Dymock, G. Johnson, J. Morris, M. Pears, G. Carnes, I. Heath, R. Wade, S. Hill, N. Hunter, P. Adam, P. Jesser, F. Maclean, R. Lange,

Minutes of 2017 AGM/GM

Moved: I. Ogston,           Seconded: D. Graham
“that the Minutes of the 2017 AGM/GM as circulated be confirmed”          CARRIED

Correspondence – carried over to the General Meeting.

President’s Report
President Don read his annual Report. (see Attached)
Moved: D. Graham          Seconded: G. Ivey
“That the President’s Report be received”           CARRIED with acclamation.

Treasurer’s Report

Secretary/Treasurer Kev Horton tabled and circulated copies of his Report and Bank Statement (see attached). The Balance of our funds is $780.60 as per bank statement and we have 30 car stickers remaining.
The Paypal Account has a balance of $39.75 AUD with expenditure of $15.99USD/year for Website name retention and $8.99USD/month for 36 months. (Current to 29.05.2021).
Moved: K. Horton          Seconded: K. Smith
“that the Treasurer’s Report be received”            CARRIED

Election of Office Bearers

President Don vacated the Chair and Ian Ogston conducted the elections.
Chairman Ian thanked the outgoing Committee for an excellent year and called for nominations for the following positions.
Patron: Maj Gen Brian (Hori) Howard has agreed to continue as Patron – this was approved by acclamation.
Moved: K. Horton          Seconded:T. Edwinsmith
“that Don Graham be elected as President ”          CARRIED
Vice President:
Moved: T. Edwinsmith          Seconded: D. Graham
“that Greg Ivey be elected as Vice President”           CARRIED
Moved: G. Ivey          Seconded: D. Graham
“that K. Horton be elected as Secretary”          CARRIED
Moved G. Ivey           Seconded: T. Edwinsmith
‘that Frankie Maclean be elected as Treasurer.’           CARRIED
Assistant Secretary: Moved: K. Horton Seconded: K. Smith
“that G. Farr be elected as Assistant Secretary”           CARRIED
Assistant Secretary agreed to take on the ANZAC Day co-ordination role.
Brisbane Representative:
Moved: F. Cordingleyv          Seconded: L. Quinlivan
“that Phil Adam be elected as Brisbane Representative”           CARRIED
Interstate Representatives:
Moved: G. Ivey          Seconded: G. Farr
“that Gary Screen, NSW and Graeme Johnson WA be elected as Interstate Representatives”           CARRIED
Positions are open for volunteers to nominate as Interstate Representatives for other States.
History Officer: Moved: G. Screen Seconded: K. Smith
“that P. Jesser be elected as History Officer”           CARRIED
Newsletter Editor:
Moved: G. Farr          Seconded: K. Smith
“that Ian Ogston be elected as Newsletter Editor”           CARRIED
Membership Co-ordinator:
Moved: T. Edwinsmith           Seconded: L. Quinlivan
“that Kevin Smith be elected as Membership Co-ordinator”           CARRIED
Website Managers:
Moved G. Ivey          Seconded: G. Screen
“that K. Smith and F. Cordingley be elected as Website managers.”          CARRIED
Medals Officer:
Moved: G. Screen          Seconded: K. Smith
‘that Russ Wade be elected as Medals Officer.’           CARRIED

The AGM was closed and General Business was opened.
President Don resumed the Chair, thanked Ian for conducting the elections and opened the General Meeting.


Major inward/outward items consisted of 184 e-mails relating to

  1. Bridge Naming Requests/ information re Late President (Sgt Frank Wust) for the Caboolture overpass/ Dept TMR/ Caboolture RSL and Sub-Branch/Mayor/State Parliamentarians/Councillors/Historical Society/ K. Neill – Gubi Gubi Traditional Owners/ Show Society / Members / C’tee Members
  2. Membership reminders and Dues receipts/ new members welcoming letters plus Assn stickers– (Direct Credit payments and cheques for dues)
  3. P. Jesser – History Officer re Radio Adelaide broadcast – ‘Harold’s story’.
  4. ANZAC Day 2018 letters to members / parade C’tee, 2nd 14th, 39th Assns
  5. Paving stones re pavers for PNG Warrant Officers and larger PIB and NGIB pavers – to/from M. Pears/ G. Ivey/D. Graham/ P. Jesser/ ‘Talking Stones’ / George Friend / H. Howard /David Yardley Sculptor/C’tee members
  6. Info / invitations / requests / re Official opening of Sgt F. Wust bridge (G. Ivey)
  7. Thank you letters to The Southport School and A. Whelan re Kokoda Day 2017
  8. Invites and related items re Kokoda Day 2017 and possible changes for 2018.
  9. Christmas message from President Don Graham
  10. M. Pears re congratulations on receiving Medal of Civil Merit from Korean Govt for contributions to Korean Memorial at Cascade Gardens
  11. PNG RSL formation support
  12. Correspondence to/from Bluehost re Website costs etc / K. Smith/F. Cordingley/ G. Ivey/ D. Graham
  13. Newsletters / information updates / items of interest from members by e-mails to members
  14. Official invites from Dept T&MR re bridge opening and invites from the Assn. to all stakeholders.

Business arising from Correspondence:
G. Ivey expanded on the possible positive effects of the formation of a PNG RSL.
Moved: K. Horton          Seconded: I. Ogston
“that the inward correspondence be received and the outward endorsed”           CARRIED

Items of General Business

  1. Report on PNGDF Medals issued during 2017-18 by Russ Wade (See attached)
  2. 2018 Anniversary of Kokoda on August 8 at Broadbeach – Seven new individual pavers in memory of PIB and NGIB indigenous soldiers and 2 large pavers PIB and NGIB have been purchased and laid. After discussion with Maurie Pears, the funding was shared between Maurie and the Association.
    It was resolved that the Kokoda Day organizers be approached re a short speech being incorporated into the program to honour these soldiers. Maurie Pears, Don Graham and Kev Horton to liaise re background information and delivery of speech.
    The Southport RSL will be the major organizer of the event this year with liaison through George Friend (39th Battalion Assn.).
    Keynote speaker this year will be author Lahui Ako.
  3. Report on membership – The Association membership stands at 109 with 50 Ordinary members– 6 Hon Life Members – 42 Financial Life Members – 11 Honorary members. 7 people have been removed from the membership list because of dues being 3 or more years overdue.
  4. The ‘Bridge Naming Ceremony’ for the ‘Sgt Frank Wust Bridge’ was an outstanding success with approx. 100 people in attendance and excellent support from the Historical Society and local community organizations. A report will be sent to all members via the newsletter and on the Website.
  5. ANZAC Day reports: Brisbane – see President’s report with special reference to the ANZAC Square Wreath laying ceremony including PNG ladies singing. Greg Ivey mentioned a successful Sydney march with special mention of 96-year-old “Jock’ Wilkinson’ who again led the group. Photos were received from Graham Carnes who assisted the National Service group in Townsville.
  6. Newsletter comments – (Ian Ogston) Ian reported that all was going well with several newsletters a year – members were asked to submit any newsworthy articles to him at ozoggies2@gmail.com . All present congratulated Ian on a job well done.
  7. Report on Website www.soldierspng.com . Kevin Smith reported that the website was going well with a request for more articles, photos, book reviews etc from members to be sent to him by e-mail at kevinsmith26@bigpond.com . After a discussion on the annual cost of running the website due to a substantial increase of annual costs from our website provider ‘Bluehost’, the meeting supported the decision made by Kevin, Frank Cordingley, treasurer Kev and Committee members that the Website was imperative to the continued visibility of the Association. Fees are now paid up until May 2021 when a further decision will be necessary.
  8. Following an initial request from Hon Sec/Treasurer, Kev Horton, it was resolved that the Treasurer and Secretary positions be separated and that the Assistant Secretary Greg Farr would take over general ANZAC Day organization. Accounts to be paid on ‘any two to sign’ basis through internet banking.
  9. G. Ivey suggested, and there was general agreement, that we move towards more acknowledgement of the WWII PIB and NGIB Veterans on the Assn Website.
  10. After discussion of possible cuts to funding for the running costs of the ANZAC Day March in Brisbane it was Moved by Don Graham and Seconded by G. Farr that:

    ‘the Association support Don in informing State and Local Governments and other stakeholders, that our Association is diametrically opposed to cuts in funding for the ANZAC Day March in Brisbane and that we are vehemently opposed to fundraising for this purpose. Carried

  11. It was Moved L. Quinlivan, seconded G. Ivey that ‘consideration be given to research and maintain an Archive to support the history of our Association’. Carried.
  12. A message was received from member Jay Hooper: Greetings and best wishes for the Bridge Ceremony and AGM are sent from Lt Col Dr J.S.D. Mellick OAM, ED, MID, a New Guinea Force HQ Officer and HQ 5 Australian Div. Officer (Battles of Salamaua & Huon Peninsula) who said, “PIB were prominent in fighting the Japanese and had a distinguished record. I remember also the Pacific Islands Regiment and ANGAU.”

Lest We Forget:

Brigadier Neil Weekes AM, MC
1967-68                 National Service Infantry Officer in Vietnam
1969 onwards       Regular Army Infantry Officer
Early 1970s           Posted to 2 PIR, Moem Barracks

Lt Col T.H. R. (Roger)Jackson
1952-55                          Platoon Commander at PIR, Taurama Barracks
1964 (Dec) – 1965         Major & LAD Commander, HQ Murray Barracks
1971-1973                      Commander, Murray Barracks Area

Kevin Pippard
Assault Pioneer Platoon Commander in 2 PIR in 1972-73.
One of the last RAE officers to be appointed to this position in the Pacific Islands Regiment.

Meeting closed at 1:50pm


  1. President’s Report
  2. Medal Officer’s Report … by Russ Wade

    There were four applicants who enquired about eligibility for the PIR 50th Anniversary Medal in accordance with the current guidelines endorsed by the Association. Two applicants enquiries have been processed and successfully concluded while a further two have been responded to but no further action has been taken by the applicants.
    The PIR 50th Anniversary Medal remains unrecognised by the Australian Government in the Australian Schedule of Foreign Awards, as the medal has never been “offered” by the PNG Government to the Australian Government.
    The current guidelines provide an acceptable level of verification by the Association of the eligibility of applicants and an orderly process for the request to purchase the medal, however the lack of status on the Australian Schedule of Foreign Awards means that the medal is limited in its status.
    Further work is needed on seeking a process for the PNG Government to successfully “offer” the medal to the Australian Government for recognition.